Source code for firexapp.submit.arguments

import os
import sys
import re
from firexkit.argument_conversion import ConverterRegister
from typing import Union
from firexapp.submit.console import setup_console_logging

logger = setup_console_logging(__name__)

[docs] def get_chain_args(other_args: []): """This function converts a flat list of --key value pairs into a dictionary""" chain_arguments = {} # Create arguments list for the chain it = iter(other_args) no_value_exception = None for x in it: if not x.startswith('-'): if no_value_exception: # the error was earlier raise no_value_exception raise ChainArgException('Error: Argument should start with a proper dash (- or --)\n%s' % x) try: value = next(it) if str(value).startswith("-"): # there might be an error. we'll find out later no_value_exception = ChainArgException( 'Error: Arguments must have an accompanying value\n%s' % x) except StopIteration: raise ChainArgException('Error: Arguments must have an accompanying value\n%s' % x) key = x.lstrip('-') if not re.match('^[A-Za-z].*', key): raise ChainArgException('Error: Argument should start with a letter\n%s' % key) chain_arguments[key] = value return chain_arguments
[docs] class ChainArgException(Exception): pass
[docs] class InputConverter: """ This class uses a singleton object design to store converters which parse the cli arguments. Converter functions are stored into the singleton InputConverter object by adding the @register decorator to the top of each desired function. """ _global_instance = None pre_load_was_run = False
[docs] @classmethod def instance(cls) -> ConverterRegister: # usd by tests only """Used for unit testing only""" if cls._global_instance is None: cls._global_instance = ConverterRegister() return cls._global_instance
[docs] @classmethod def register(cls, *args): """ Registers a callable object to be run during conversion. The callable should take in kwargs, and return a dict with any changes to the input arguments, or None if no changes are necessary. :Example single argument converter: @InputConverter.register @SingleArgDecorator('something') def convert_something(arg_value): arg_value = arg_value.upper() return arg_value :Optionally, dependencies can defined at registration: @InputConverter.register('other_converter', 'and_another_converter') @SingleArgDecorator('something') def convert_something(arg_value): arg_value = arg_value.upper() return arg_value Conversion occurs on two occasions, before microservices are loaded, or after. You can explicitly mark a converter to run pre-loading or post-loading of the ALL microservices by passing True (pre) or False (post) during registration. This design is used in the spirit of failing fast, providing early failure of runs before the bulk of microservices are imported. If bool is not provided, it will register to run pre unless loading has already occurred. @InputConverter.register('other_converter', False) @SingleArgDecorator('something') def convert_something(arg_value): ... return arg_value When a conversion fails the given function can simply call raise to instruct the user how to correct their inputs. """ for arg in args: if not isinstance(arg, bool): continue if arg and cls.pre_load_was_run: raise Exception("Pre-microservice load conversion has already been run. " "You can only register post load") preload = arg break else: preload = not cls.pre_load_was_run args = args + (preload,) if preload: for arg in args: if not callable(arg): continue converter = arg # special handling of single argument decorator single_arg_decorator = getattr(converter, "single_arg_decorator", None) if not single_arg_decorator: continue # need to override the append method of the single argument converters old_append = converter.append def new_append(*more_ags): # special handling of first post load call if cls.pre_load_was_run: # re-register this converter, but in post single_arg_decorator.args.clear() InputConverter.register(converter) # restore original behaviour converter.append = old_append old_append(*more_ags) converter.append = new_append return cls.instance().register(*args)
[docs] @classmethod def convert(cls, pre_load=None, **kwargs) -> dict: """ Activates conversion. kwargs provided are passed to any registered converter. This function should be called twice, and only twice. Once with initially loaded converters, and then with the secondary ones. :param pre_load: Used for testing. preload is defaulted to None and will auto populate """ # Auto set whether this is preload, unless explicitly specified pre_load = not cls.pre_load_was_run if pre_load is None else pre_load if pre_load and cls.pre_load_was_run: raise Exception("Pre-microservice conversion was already run") ret = cls.instance().convert(pre_task=pre_load, **kwargs) cls.pre_load_was_run = True return ret
[docs] @InputConverter.register def convert_booleans(kwargs): """Converts standard true/false/none values to bools and None""" for key, value in kwargs.items(): if not isinstance(value, str): continue if value.upper() == 'TRUE': value = True elif value.upper() == 'FALSE': value = False elif value.upper() == 'NONE': value = None kwargs[key] = value return kwargs
[docs] @InputConverter.register def auto_load_pydev_debugging_plugin(kwargs): if not sys.gettrace() or sys.gettrace().__class__.__module__ == "coverage": return logger.debug("Debug detected") plugins = kwargs.get("plugins", "") if "" in plugins: logger.debug("Debug plugin already included") return # local and include the pydev debugging plugin logger.debug("Auto-including debug plugin") import firexapp.testing debugging_plugin = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(firexapp.testing.__file__), "") if plugins: debugging_plugin = "," + debugging_plugin return {"plugins": plugins + debugging_plugin}
_global_argument_whitelist = set()
[docs] def whitelist_arguments(argument_list: Union[str, list]): """ Function for adding argument keys to the global argument whitelist. Used during validation of input arguments :param argument_list:List of argument keys to whitelist. :type argument_list: list """ if type(argument_list) == str: argument_list = [argument_list] global _global_argument_whitelist _global_argument_whitelist |= set(argument_list)
[docs] def find_unused_arguments(chain_args: {}, ignore_list: [], all_tasks: []): """ Function to detect any arguments that are not explicitly consumed by any microservice. :note: This should be run AFTER all microservices have been loaded. :param chain_args: The dictionary of chain args to check :type chain_args: dict :param ignore_list: A list of exception arguments that are acceptable. This usually includes application args. :type ignore_list: list :param all_tasks: A list of all microservices. Usually app.tasks :return: A dictionary of un-applicable arguments """ import Levenshtein as Lev if len(chain_args) == 0: return {}, {} ignore_list += _global_argument_whitelist # remove any whitelisted unused_chain_args = chain_args.copy() for std_arg in ignore_list: if std_arg in unused_chain_args: unused_chain_args.pop(std_arg) # build up used chain arg list used_chain_args = [] for _, task in all_tasks.items(): used_chain_args.extend(getattr(task, "required_args", [])) used_chain_args.extend(getattr(task, "optional_args", [])) # Loop through used args and remove any found in unused list for used_arg in used_chain_args: if used_arg in unused_chain_args: unused_chain_args.pop(used_arg) # Loop through remaining unused chain args and build near-match dict close_matches = {} for unused_arg in unused_chain_args: close_match = {} for used_arg in used_chain_args: # for unused args less than 10 chars long, use distance method, otherwise use ratio method. if len(unused_arg) < 10: distance = Lev.distance(used_arg, unused_arg) if distance < 3: if not close_match or close_match['distance'] > distance: close_match['arg'] = used_arg close_match['distance'] = distance else: match_ratio = Lev.ratio(used_arg, unused_arg) if match_ratio > 0.9: if not close_match or close_match['ratio'] < match_ratio: close_match['arg'] = used_arg close_match['ratio'] = match_ratio # Store the closest match in the returned dict if close_match: close_matches[unused_arg] = close_match['arg'] return unused_chain_args, close_matches