Source code for firexapp.tasks.core_tasks

import os

from importlib import import_module
from celery import bootsteps
from celery.signals import task_postrun
from celery.states import REVOKED
from celery.utils.log import get_task_logger
from firexkit.chain import InjectArgs, FireXTask
from firexkit.result import get_results_upto_parent, find_unsuccessful_in_chain
from firexkit.task import flame

from firexapp.application import get_app_tasks
from firexapp.engine.celery import app

logger = get_task_logger(__name__)

# noinspection PyPep8Naming
@app.task(bind=True, returns=('chain_results', 'unsuccessful_services'))
def RootTask(self, chain, **chain_args):
    c = InjectArgs(chain=chain, **chain_args)
    for task in get_app_tasks(chain):
        c |= task.s()
    promise = self.enqueue_child(c, block=True, raise_exception_on_failure=False)
    chain_results = get_results_upto_parent(promise)
    unsuccessful_services = find_unsuccessful_in_chain(promise)
    return chain_results, unsuccessful_services

# noinspection PyPep8Naming
@app.task(bind=True, returns=FireXTask.DYNAMIC_RETURN)
def CopyBogKeys(self: FireXTask, bog_key_map: dict, strict: bool = False):
    This service copies selected keys from this FireXTask instance's bog into new keys with a different name and
    returns the resulting dictionary. It can therefore be used to preserve values in a chain when they will
    be trampled by return values from downstream in the chain.

    :param bog_key_map: mapping from existing key names to new key names that existing bog values should be copied to
        in the return value.
    :param strict: [True|False] (default=False):
        True: All source entries specified in the mapping must exist in the  bog or the service fails.
        False: Skip source entries that don't exist in bog.
    :return: dict with keys from the values of bog_key_map, and values from the BoG.

    logger.debug('abog content: %r' % self.abog)
    flame_status = ""

    new = {}
    for existing_bog_key, new_key in bog_key_map.items():
            existing_value = self.abog[existing_bog_key]
        except KeyError:
            if strict:
                raise AssertionError(f'Strict is specified and no entry found for "{existing_bog_key}" in bog.')
            logger.debug(f'No entry for "{existing_bog_key}" in bog. Skipping...')
            new[new_key] = existing_value
            status_str = f'{existing_bog_key}={new_key}'
            logger.debug('BOG mapping: ' + status_str)
            if flame_status:
                flame_status += '<BR>'
            flame_status += status_str

    return new

[docs]def get_configured_root_task(): # determine the configured root_task root_task_long_name = app.conf.get("root_task") root_module_name, root_task_name = os.path.splitext(root_task_long_name) if root_module_name != __name__: # Root task has been overridden root_task_name = root_task_name.lstrip(".") root_module = import_module(root_module_name) return getattr(root_module, root_task_name) else: # default FireXApp root task return RootTask
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]@task_postrun.connect(sender=get_configured_root_task()) def handle_firex_root_completion(sender, task, task_id, args, kwargs, **do_not_care):"Root task completed.") submit_app = kwargs.get("submit_app") if not submit_app: logger.warning("Cannot find submit_app. Root task post-run handling aborted.") return result = task.AsyncResult(task_id) sync = kwargs.get("sync", False) if sync and result.state != REVOKED: logger.debug("Sync run has not been revoked. Cleanup skipped.") # Only if --sync run was revoked do we want to do the shutdown here; else it's done in return # Let this signal cause self-destruct submit_app.self_destruct(chain_details=(result, kwargs), reason=f'Root task completion ({result.state}) detected via postrun signal.')"Root task post run signal completed")
[docs]class BrokerShutdown(bootsteps.StartStopStep): """ This celery shutdown step will cleanup redis """ label = "Broker" # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
[docs] def shutdown(self, parent): from firexapp.submit.submit import SubmitBaseApp if parent.hostname.startswith(SubmitBaseApp.PRIMARY_WORKER_NAME + "@"): # shut down the broker from firexapp.broker_manager.broker_factory import BrokerFactory BrokerFactory.broker_manager_from_env().shutdown() logger.debug("Broker shut down from boot step.") else: logger.debug("Not the primary celery instance. Broker will not be shut down.")