Source code for firexapp.tasks.example

from getpass import getuser
import time
from typing import Optional

from firexkit.argument_conversion import SingleArgDecorator
from firexkit.chain import InjectArgs, returns
from firexkit.task import FireXTask, flame, flame_collapse

from firexapp.engine.celery import app
from firexapp.submit.arguments import InputConverter
from firexapp.tasks.core_tasks import CopyBogKeys

def nop() -> None:

def sleep(sleep: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
    if sleep:

def getusername() -> str:
    return getuser()

# The @app.task() makes this normal python function a FireX Service.
@app.task(returns=['greeting'], flame=['greeting'])
def greet(name: str = getuser()) -> str:
    assert len(name) > 1, "Cannot greet a name with 1 or fewer characters."
    return 'Hello %s!' % name

# Setting bind=True makes the first argument received by the service 'self'. It's most commonly used to invoke
# (enqueue) other services, but provides much more functionality as outlined here:
@app.task(bind=True, returns=['guests_greeting'], flame=['guests_greeting'])
def greet_guests(self: FireXTask, guests: list[str]) -> str:
    child_promises = []
    for guest in guests:
        # Create a Celery Signature, see:
        greet_signature = greet.s(name=guest)
        # enqueue_child by default schedules the supplied signature for execution asynchronously and immediately
        # returns the newly created child result promise.
        child_promise = self.enqueue_child(greet_signature)

    # We want to get all the return values (greetings) from child tasks, but we must wait first to make sure they're all
    # available before inspecting them with child_promise.result[<returns_key>]
    # Since wait_for_children has completed, we know it's safe to inspect the results of all child task promises,
    # after verifying the task was a success.
    greetings = [promise.result['greeting'] for promise in child_promises if promise.successful()]

    if any(promise.failed() for promise in child_promises):
        greetings.append("And apologies to those not mentioned.")

    return ' '.join(greetings)

[docs] @InputConverter.register @SingleArgDecorator('guests') def to_list(guests: str) -> list[str]: return guests.split(',')
@app.task(returns=['amplified_message']) def amplify(to_amplify: str, upper: bool = True, surround_str: Optional[str] = None, underline_char: Optional[str] = None, overline_char: Optional[str] = None) -> str: result = to_amplify if upper: result = to_amplify.upper() if surround_str: result = surround_str + result + surround_str centerline_len = len(result) if underline_char: result = result + '\n' + (underline_char * centerline_len) if overline_char: result = (overline_char * centerline_len) + '\n' + result return result def _amplified_greeting_formatter(args_and_maybe_results: dict) -> str: # Since 'amplified_greeting' is the return value name, it isn't available to the formatter when the task is first # started. It will be available if the task completes successfully. if 'amplified_greeting' in args_and_maybe_results: br_as_nl = args_and_maybe_results["amplified_greeting"].replace('\n', '<br>') return f'<h1 style="font-family: monospace;">{br_as_nl}</h1>' # Since 'guests' is an input argument, it will always be available to the formatter, even before the service # has completed. return f'Planning to greet: {",".join(args_and_maybe_results["guests"])}' @app.task(bind=True, returns=['amplified_greeting']) @flame('*', _amplified_greeting_formatter) @flame_collapse({'greet_guests': 'descendants'}) def amplified_greet_guests(self: FireXTask, guests: list[str]) -> str: # Nonsense failure case to illustrate flame HTML data when the service fails (i.e. no return value present). assert len(guests) > 1, "Only willing to amplify greeting for more than one guest." # Create a chain that can be enqueued. The greet_guests service will produce a guests_greeting, # which will then be delivered to amplify as its to_amplify argument. amplified_greet_guests_chain = InjectArgs(**self.abog) | greet_guests.s() | amplify.s(to_amplify='@guests_greeting') # Chains can be enqueued just like signatures. You can consider a signature a chain with only one service. chain_results = self.enqueue_child_and_get_results(amplified_greet_guests_chain) return chain_results['amplified_message'] @app.task() @returns('job_title') def get_springfield_power_plant_job_title(name): username_to_title = {'Charles Montgomery Burns': 'OWNER', 'Waylon Smithers': 'EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT', 'Lenny Leonard': 'DIRECTOR', 'Homer Simpson': 'SUPERVISOR'} return username_to_title.get(name, 'UNKNOWN')
[docs] @InputConverter.register @SingleArgDecorator('employee_names') def employee_names_to_list(employee_names): return employee_names.split(',')
@app.task(bind=True, returns=['amplified_greeting']) def greet_springfield_power_plant_employees(self, employee_names): names_with_titles = [] for name in employee_names: job_title = self.enqueue_child_and_get_results(get_springfield_power_plant_job_title.s(name=name))['job_title'] names_with_titles.append(f"{job_title} {name}") results = self.enqueue_child_and_get_results(amplified_greet_guests.s(guests=names_with_titles)) return results['amplified_greeting'] # A contrived example showing how CopyBogKeys can be used to copy values in between chained services, preventing # data from being trampled when multiple services within a chain return values with the same name. # Of course, in practice, it's preferable to enqueue the multiple calls to greet separately. @app.task(bind=True, returns=['lee_greeting', 'tom_greeting']) def greet_lee_and_tom(self: FireXTask) -> (str, str): chain = (greet.s("Lee") | CopyBogKeys.s({'greeting': 'lee_greeting'}) | greet.s("Tom")) results = self.enqueue_child_and_get_results(chain) # Lee's greeting has been copied to 'lee_greeting', so it's still accessible after Tom's greet has executed. lee_greeting = results['lee_greeting'] # Tom's greeting still has the return name specified in the greet service. tom_greeting = results['greeting'] return lee_greeting, tom_greeting